
Check my Google Scholar for the complete list.


  1. letterE.png
    EREN: Enhancing deep learning robustness through image pre-processing
    Harshitha Machiraju , Michael H Herzog , and Pascal Frossard
    (Under Submission), 2024


  1. letterM.png
    Frequency-Based Vulnerability Analysis of Deep Learning Models against Image Corruptions
    Harshitha Machiraju , Michael H Herzog , and Pascal Frossard
    (Under Submission), 2023


  1. clad_chart.png
    CLAD: A Contrastive Learning based Approach for Background Debiasing
    Ke Wang , Harshitha Machiraju , Oh-Hyeon Choung , and 2 more authors
    BMVC, 2022
  2. feedback_pic.png
    Empirical advocacy of bio-inspired models for robust image recognition
    Harshitha Machiraju , Oh-Hyeon Choung , Michael H Herzog , and 1 more author
    CVPR NeuroVision Workshop, 2022


  1. fog.jpg
    A Little Fog for a Large Turn
    Harshitha Machiraju , and Vineeth N Balasubramanian
    WACV, 2020


  1. letterH.png
    Harnessing the Vulnerability of Latent Layers in Adversarially Trained Models
    Abhishek Sinha , Mayank Singh , Nupur Kumari , and 3 more authors
    IJCAI, 2019


  1. eval.png
    An Evaluation Metric for Object Detection Algorithms in Autonomous Navigation Systems and its Application to a Real-Time Alerting System
    Harshitha Machiraju , and Sumohana S. Channappayya
    ICIP, 2018